๐Enter the world of mobile reading๐
Choose a subscription or buy selected items
Just a few clicks to have access to the widest range of e-books and audiobooks in Poland. You read ๐ and listen ๐ง what you want and when you want. Download the file or read and listen online.
With Empik Go, reading books becomes even easier:
โญ gain access to the largest database of titles, over 190,000 e-books, audiobooks and podcasts
โญ collect all your e-books and audiobooks in the Library
โญ use the intuitive e-book reader
โญ listen on the advanced audiobook player
โญ listen in streaming or offline - you can play the audiobook without access to the network, e.g. on a plane
โญ use the safe auto mode when listening to an audiobook in the car
โญ library synchronization with empik.com, all e-books and audiobooks purchased at empik.com will automatically be in your Empik Go library
Choose e-books and audiobooks from categories such as:
- crime
- thriller
- fantasy
- for children
- for youth
- foreign languages
โโ- biographies and documentaries - non-fiction - social
literature - school readings Download Download the application and gain access to the widest offer on the market: new releases, exclusives and promotions. Configure Log in with your empik.com account details or register in a simple way. Use Enjoy the freedom of reading and listening. Use the built-in e-book reader and audiobook player. Personalize the application, complete your library, write reviews and rate books.
Changes in version 3.13.00:
- fixes for the most frequently reported bugs
Update the application and conveniently use the library of e-books, audiobooks and podcasts!
Changes in version 3.10.56:
- fixes for the most frequently reported errors.
Update the application and conveniently use the library of e-books, audiobooks and podcasts!
Changes in version 3.10.55:
- fixes for the most frequently reported errors.
Update the application and conveniently use the library of e-books, audiobooks and podcasts!
Changes in version 3.10.52:
- fixes for the most frequently reported errors.
Update the application and conveniently use the library of e-books, audiobooks and podcasts!
Changes in version 3.10.49:
- new presentation of search suggestions
- corrections to the most frequently reported issues errors caused by you
. Update the application and conveniently use the library of e-books, audiobooks and podcasts!
Changes in version 3.10.48:
- corrections to the most frequently reported errors.
Update the application and conveniently use the library of e-books, audiobooks and podcasts!
Changes in version 3.10.45:
- new for Go Mini users - in case of mistakenly using the limit, the possibility of withdrawing the wrong book from the library
- fixes for the most frequently reported errors
Update the application and use the library of ebooks, audiobooks conveniently and podcasts!
Changes in version 3.10.43:
- fixes of the most common bugs reported by you
Update the application and use the library of ebooks, audiobooks and podcasts conveniently!
Changes in version 3.10.42:
- fixes for the most common bugs
Update the application and use the library of ebooks, audiobooks and podcasts!
Changes in version 3.10.40:
- kids mode - a new feature for parents, thanks to which they will be able to let their children read and listen to amazing, age-appropriate stories in Empik Go -
fixes for the most common bugs you report
Update the application and use the library of ebooks, audiobooks and podcasts conveniently !
Changes in version 3.10.40:
- children's mode - a new feature for parents, thanks to which they will be able to let their children read and listen to amazing, age-appropriate stories in Empik Go without fear
- fixes for the most common bugs reported by you
Update the application and use it conveniently from the library of ebooks, audiobooks and podcasts!
Zmiany w wersji 3.0.0:
- wykrywanie sลabej jakoลci poลฤ
czenia internetowego
- poprawki najczฤลciej zgลaszanych przez Was bลฤdรณw
Zaktualizuj aplikacjฤ i korzystaj wygodnie z biblioteki ebookรณw, audiobookรณw i podcastรณw!